Monday, April 14, 2014

So close....

I started a countdown on my phone when I first decided to go to London. I cannot believe how close we are. I have been doing some shopping and bought some new clothes and shoes for the trip. I am very excited about everything. I have also bought my train ticket to Paris for a day, and am planning on buying a ticket to see a play while in London as well. Only 27 more days and we will be on our way to London!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Getting ready to go to London has been a roller coaster of excitement and nervousness. It has been a wonderful experience though. I have been reading all kinds of different websites and blogs about traveling to London! It doesn't seem like it has been very long since I decided I wanted to go on this trip but time has flown by. My roommate Jamie and I have been doing some fundraising and saving money like crazy to make sure we get to experience everything when we get there. I am so excited about this adventure and all of the new things that I will get to learn and experience.